

2016-07-26    02'59''

主播: Alice小巍

101 2

❤点击这里看文本哦❤ ❤空白间隔请跟读练习哦❤ ​ ​不着急、慢慢来 ​Take your time. ​ ​▶It is an important decision for you. So take your time to think it over. ​对你来说,这是一个十分重要的决定,不着急,仔细考虑一下吧! ​ ​▶Take your time, don`t cut corners and follow instructions. ​慢慢来,不要图省事,要按说明去做。 ​ ​▶---I`m sorry that I have no time to deal with it today. ​很抱歉今天没有时间处理这个了。 ​---Take your time. ​不用着急、慢慢来。 ​ ​注意: ​1.think over仔细考虑 ​2.cut corners抄近路、走捷径 ​3.deal with处理、解决=work out=solve=handle ​ ​今日美句: ​Time has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters. ​时间会帮我们做出最好的决定。 ​ ​❤Alice 希望小耳朵们凡事三思而后行,有条不紊,循序渐进哦! ​ ​★例句别忘了疯狂练习哦! ★更别忘了订阅我的专辑哦,这样就可以第一时间收听最新一期节目啦!啦!啦!