

2016-08-10    03'26''

主播: Alice小巍

35 4

❤点击这里看文本哦❤ ❤空白间隔请跟读练习哦❤ ​ ​你能小点声吗? ​Can you keep it down? ​ ​---Can you keep it down? I'm in the middle of something. ​你能小点声吗?我正忙着呢! ​---Sorry for interrupting. ​抱歉打扰到你了。 ​ ​----I can't take it any more.Can you keep it down? ​我再也受不了了,你能小点声吗? ​---I apologize for this. ​我非常抱歉。 ​ ​注意: ​1.somebody be in the middle of something.某人正忙 ​2.interrupt (v.)打断、插嘴、妨碍 ​3.can't take it any more再也受不了了 ​ ​今日美句: ​It is not the mountain we conquer but ourselves. ​我们征服的不是高山而是自己。 ​ ​Alice相信自己,相信大家,哈哈,话说,今天星期三,离星期天不远啦! ​ ​ 讲真,这里有三件事小耳朵们一定不要错过: ★别忘了疯狂练习哦! ​★别忘了订阅专辑哦! ​★欢迎关注公众号【轻松练口语】,更多精彩等你哦!