

2016-08-12    06'16''

主播: Alice小巍

45 2

❤点这里看文本 ❤空白间隔请跟读练习哦 我向你保证 I give you my word.=You have my word. ---Did you smoke in the room again? 你又在房间里吸烟了? ---I'm sorry.I'll quit from today. I give you my word. 对不起,我从今天开始戒烟,我保证 ----Did you blow some money again? 你又乱花钱了? ---Sorry. I give you my word. I won't let you down. 抱歉,我向你保证再也不让你失望了。 注意: 1.quit=stop=give up 放弃、停止 2.blow some money乱花钱 blow (v.)吹 3.let somebody down让某人失望 今日美句: A journey of a thousand miles begins with single step. 千里之行始于足下 Alice相信小耳朵们都能走好脚下的每一步,我永远陪伴你们! 讲真,这里有三件事小耳朵们一定不要错过: ★别忘了疯狂练习哦! ★别忘了订阅专辑哦! ★欢迎关注公众号【轻松练口语】,更多精彩等你哦!