

2016-08-15    03'10''

主播: Alice小巍

57 5

❤点这里看文本​ ​ ❤​空白间隔请跟读练习哦 ​ ​就差那么一点儿 ​I almost made it. ​ ​eg: I almost made it.But I had a powerful competitor. ​就差那么一点儿我就成功了,可是我遇到了一个强有力的竞争对手。 ​ ​eg:The bus had gone when I got there.I almost made it. ​我到的时候公交车刚走,就差那么一点儿。 ​ ​eg: I didn't win the first prize,but I almost made it. ​我没能拿一等奖,但就差那么一点儿。 ​ ​注意: ​1.powerful (adj.)强大的,强有力的 power(n.)力量、能力 ​2.competitor (n.)竞争者,对手 compete(v.)竞争、对抗 ​3.win the first prize/place赢得一等奖、获得第一名 ​ ​今日美句: ​It there were no clouds, we could not enjoy the sun. ​吃得苦中苦,方知甜中甜 只要坚持下来一定会说出令人羡慕的地道口语!加油哦! ​ ​ 讲真,这里有三件事小耳朵们一定不要错过: ★别忘了疯狂练习哦! ★别忘了订阅专辑哦! ★欢迎关注公众号【轻松练口语】,更多精彩等你哦!