

2016-10-03    02'42''

主播: Alice小巍

55 5

公众号《轻松练口语》,随时欢迎你的加入~ 今日表达: 现在还不是时候 It's not the right time. right:合适的、恰当的 She is the right person for the position. 她是那个岗位合适的人选 例句1: You want to have a word with me? But it's not the right time. 你想和我谈谈?但现在还不是时候 例句2: It's not the right time. If you do it,It will be a waste of effort. 现在还不是时候,如果你这样做了,只会白费力气 重点: 1.have a word with somebody 和某人谈话 have words with somebody 和某人争吵 2.a waste of effort白费力气 effort努力 waste浪费 今日美句: Better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. 与其诅咒黑暗,不如燃起蜡烛 Alice希望小耳朵们都能燃起心中的蜡烛,释放自己的能量哦! 公众号《轻松练口语》,随时欢迎你的加入~