

2016-10-04    02'46''

主播: Alice小巍

46 5

公众号《轻松练口语》,随时欢迎你的加入~ ♬空白间隔请跟读练习哦 今日表达: 说起.... When it comes to.... 例句1: When it comes to her marriage,I'll put it aside. 说起她的婚事,我不再管了 例句2: When it comes to the contradiction between them,I think it takes two to tango. 说起他们之间的矛盾,我认为一个巴掌拍不响 例句3: When it comes to the study, You should put more effort into it. 说起学习,你应该多努力一些 重点: 1.put sth. aside撇开..../把...放在一边 2.It takes two to tango 字面意思是跳探戈舞需要两个人 引申为矛盾不能只归咎于一方 也就是一个巴掌拍不响 3.put effort into sth.在某事上付出努力 今日美句: Patience! The windmill never strays in search of the wind. 耐心等待,风车从来不跑去找风 假期已经过半,小耳朵们,抓紧嗨起来! 公众号《轻松练口语》,随时欢迎你的加入~