

2016-10-05    03'06''

主播: Alice小巍

57 3

公众号《轻松练口语》,随时欢迎你的加入~ ♬空白间隔请跟读练习哦 今日表达: 话到嘴边,就是想不起来 或:刚要想起,却忘记了 .....be on the tip of my tongue 词汇: tip(n.)小费、小窍门、尖端、顶尖 tongue(n.)舌头 例句1: What's her name? It's just on the tip of my tongue. 她叫什么名字来着?就在嘴边想不起来了 例句2: His phone number is right on the tip of my tongue. 他的电话号码就在嘴边,可我怎么也想不起来了 例句3: The answer was on the tip of my tongue,but I couldn't think of it. 我差点就想起答案来,可又忘记了 重点: think of ①思考、考虑think of=think about I'm thinking of/about buying a new car. 我正考虑买辆新车 ②想起、记得 I can't think of the name of the hotel. 我想不起宾馆的名字了 今日美句: A man can't ride your back unless it is bent. 你的腰不弯,别人就不能骑在你的背上 Alice这两天是葛大爷躺过来的, 因为是假期,可以随便任性,你们随意,哈!~ 不过,躺着好像更有做节目的灵感耶~ 公众号《轻松练口语》,随时欢迎你的加入~