

2016-12-05    03'42''

主播: Alice小巍

153 4

欢迎加入公众号:轻松练口语 今日表达: Keep one's eyes open(口语化) 留心、注意、保持警惕、时刻提防 keep+ sth.+adj.让某物保持某种状态 同:pay attention to...(书面化) 补:keep one's ears open留心听 栗子1: Stay out of this matter.I'll keep my eyes open. 别管这件事了,我会留心的 stay out of this matter(待在这件事之外) 别管这件事了/别操心这件事了 栗子2: There're lots of thieves in train station.Keep your eyes open. 火车站会有很多小偷,要保持警惕 栗子3: Chances of getting that job are slim,but you should keep your eyes open. 得到那份工作的几率很小,但是你要多留心 chances are slim.几率很小/很渺茫 chance(n.)机会 slim(adj.)细长的、苗条的/微小的、无价值的 今日美句: Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open. 少说话,多观察 感谢小耳朵 紫精灵荣荣Lucy、Lilies、请神上身问姻缘 还有每天都来听节目的 南山、扛著相機闖世界 发现听友的名字也是奇萌奇萌哒!