

2016-12-08    03'23''

主播: Alice小巍

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欢迎加入公众号:轻松练口语今日表达:It'll work out.总会有办法的/一切都会好起来的同:Everything will be fine.work out①解决、处理(问题)②健身栗子1:--The toilet doesn't flush.What should we do?抽水马桶坏了,我们该怎么办?--We can ask Allen for help.Anyway,it'll work out.我们可以找艾伦帮忙,无论怎样,总会有办法的栗子2:--My phone is going to be out of power and I forgot to bring the battery charger.我手机要没电了,我还忘带充电器了--Don't worry.It'll work out.不要着急,总会有办法的手机没电:My phone is out of power.My phone's battery goes dead.Alice 场外: 念成"狗带",是不是更容易记住?今日美句:In life,as in chess,forethought wins.人生如棋,唯多思才能取胜forethought (n.)事先的考虑;远见卓识Alice这几天入手一本《崔的说话之道》不是新书,但是挺有意思的大家近期在看什么书?或者有看过的特别好的书吗?有空推荐给Alice吧~