

2016-12-20    02'23''

主播: Alice小巍

66 2

欢迎加入公众号:轻松练口语 今日表达: 这鬼天气! What horrible weather! horrible(adj.)[ˈhɔ:rəbl] 讨厌的、可怕的、令人震惊的 weather(un.)天气 ①What horrible weather! I have trouble breathing in such heavy haze. have trouble(in) doing sth. 做某事遇到了困难 haze /hez/ 雾霾(美式读音) ②What horrible weather! It's raining and it looks it won't clear up today. 这鬼天气!外面下雨了并且看来今天不会放晴了 clear up(天气)放晴 今日美句: Custom makes all things easy. 有个好习惯,事事皆不难 感谢小耳朵 yz、仙 Alice昨天吃了好多油菜,也不知道管不管用,哈~ ​ ​ ​ ​