【轻松口语】Were we at the same table?

【轻松口语】Were we at the same table?

2017-01-16    02'53''

主播: Alice小巍

40 3

欢迎加入公众号:轻松练口语 Were we at the same table? 有没有搞错啊 at the table在桌子旁边 at the same table坐在同一桌子边上 引申为立场、意见和想法是一致的,我们是一伙儿的,我们是一条绳上的蚂蚱 Were we at the same table?疑问句表示说话人惊讶怀疑的语气 过去时态意思是我们不是意见一致吗?有没有搞错啊!我们还是不是一伙儿的了? 用这句话表明曾经我们想法是一致的,现在你怎么变卦了呢? (1)Were we at the same table?It’s between you and me.How come you said it out? 有没有搞错啊,这是你我之间的秘密,你怎么能说出来呢? It’s between you and me. 这是你我的秘密、这事儿只有你我知道 (2)Hello?You promised you would support me. Were we at the same table? 嘿,你答应过我要支持我的,你是不是搞错啦! Hello在这里表示疑问的语气“嘿!” 关于table的短语 布置餐桌:set the table 用餐、吃饭:at table(注意这里没有the) 离席:leave the table 收拾桌子:clear the table 两天不见,甚是想念呢!