【轻松口语】hit it off

【轻松口语】hit it off

2017-02-20    03'00''

主播: Alice小巍

45 5

欢迎加入公众号:轻松练口语 今天学习一个很投缘的口语表达,初次见面的两个人看得很顺眼,很合得来,一见如故,我们就可以说hit it off! hit it off 合得来、很投缘、一见如故 hit(v.)打、敲、偶然碰上 A and B hit it off A hit it off with B 同:get along well with... hit-hit-hit 比如: (1)We hit if off with each other as soon as we met. 我们俩一见面就很投缘 (2)They hit if off,and after a year or so decided to get married. 他们一见如故,差不多一年以后就决定结婚了 or so=about大约、差不多 about+时间名词 时间名词+or so 大约一个小时: about an hour=an hour or so (3)They hit it off when they met at college and they’ve been friends ever since. 大学时他们很合得来,后来就一直是好朋友 补充: hit the road 动身、出发 Let’s hit the road! 我们出发吧!/我们上路吧!