最后一个莫希干人 The Last of the Mohicans 02

最后一个莫希干人 The Last of the Mohicans 02

2021-08-11    10'11''

主播: iGlobalist

45 0

CHAPTER II. “Sola, sola, wo ha, ho, sola!” —Shakespeare While one of the lovely beings we have so cursorily presented to the reader was thus lost in thought, the other quickly recovered from the alarm which induced the exclamation(感叹语; 感叹词), and, laughing at her own weakness, she inquired of the youth who rode by her side: “Are such specters(鬼; 幽灵) frequent in the woods, Heyward, or is this sight an especial entertainment ordered on our behalf? If the latter, gratitude must close our mouths; but if the former, both Cora and I shall have need to draw largely on that stock of hereditary(遗传的) courage which we boast, even before we are made to encounter the redoubtable Montcalm.” “Yon Indian is a ‘runner’ of the army; and, after the fashion of his people, he may be accounted a hero,” returned the officer. “He has volunteered to guide us to the lake, by a path but little known, sooner than if we followed the tardy movements of the column; and, by consequence, more agreeably.” “I like him not,” said the lady, shuddering, partly in assumed, yet more in real terror. “You know him, Duncan, or you would not trust yourself so freely to his keeping?” “Say, rather, Alice, that I would not trust you. I do know him, or he would not have my confidence, and least of all at this moment. He is said to be a Canadian too; and yet he served with our friends the Mohawks, who, as you know, are one of the six allied nations. He was brought among us, as I have heard, by some strange accident in which your father was interested, and in which the savage was rigidly dealt by; but I forget the idle tale, it is enough, that he is now our friend.” “If he has been my father’s enemy, I like him still less!” exclaimed the now really anxious girl. “Will you not speak to him, Major Heyward, that I may hear his tones? Foolish though it may be, you have often heard me avow(声明; 公开宣称) my faith in the tones of the human voice!” “It would be in vain; and answered, most probably, by an ejaculation(叫喊). Though he may understand it, he affects, like most of his people, to be ignorant of the English; and least of all will he condescend to speak it, now that the war demands the utmost exercise of his dignity. But he stops; the private path by which we are to journey is, doubtless, at hand.” The conjecture(猜测; 推测) of Major Heyward was true. When they reached the spot where the Indian stood, pointing into the thicket that fringed the military road; a narrow and blind path, which might, with some little inconvenience, receive one person at a time, became visible. “Here, then, lies our way,” said the young man, in a low voice. “Manifest no distrust, or you may invite the danger you appear to apprehend.” “Cora, what think you?” asked the reluctant fair one. “If we journey with the troops, though we may find their presence irksome(使人烦恼的; 令人生气的), shall we not feel better assurance of our safety?” “Being little accustomed to the practices of the savages, Alice, you mistake the place of real danger,” said Heyward. “If enemies have reached the portage at all, a thing by no means probable, as our scouts are abroad, they will surely be found skirting the column, where scalps abound the most. The route of the detachment is known, while ours, having been determined within the hour, must still be secret.” “Should we distrust the man because his manners are not our manners, and that his skin is dark?” coldly asked Cora.