最后一个莫希干人 The Last of the Mohicans 16

最后一个莫希干人 The Last of the Mohicans 16

2021-12-05    10'32''

主播: iGlobalist

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CHAPTER XVI. “EDG.—Before you fight the battle ope this letter.” —Lear Major Heyward found Munro attended only by his daughters. Alice sat upon his knee, parting the gray hairs on the forehead of the old man with her delicate fingers; and whenever he affected to frown on her trifling, appeasing his assumed anger by pressing her ruby lips fondly on his wrinkled brow. Cora was seated nigh them, a calm and amused looker-on; regarding the wayward movements of her more youthful sister with that species of maternal fondness which characterized her love for Alice. Not only the dangers through which they had passed, but those which still impended above them, appeared to be momentarily forgotten, in the soothing indulgence(沉溺;放纵) of such a family meeting. It seemed as if they had profited by the short truce, to devote an instant to the purest and best affection; the daughters forgetting their fears, and the veteran his cares, in the security of the moment. Of this scene, Duncan, who, in his eagerness to report his arrival, had entered unannounced, stood many moments an unobserved and a delighted spectator. But the quick and dancing eyes of Alice soon caught a glimpse of his figure reflected from a glass, and she sprang blushing from her father’s knee, exclaiming aloud: “Major Heyward!” “What of the lad?” demanded her father; “I have sent him to crack a little with the Frenchman. Ha, sir, you are young, and you’re nimble(灵活的;敏捷的)! Away with you, ye baggage; as if there were not troubles enough for a soldier, without having his camp filled with such prattling hussies as yourself!” Alice laughingly followed her sister, who instantly led the way from an apartment where she perceived their presence was no longer desirable. Munro, instead of demanding the result of the young man’s mission, paced the room for a few moments, with his hands behind his back, and his head inclined toward the floor, like a man lost in thought. At length he raised his eyes, glistening with a father’s fondness, and exclaimed: “They are a pair of excellent girls, Heyward, and such as any one may boast of.” “You are not now to learn my opinion of your daughters, Colonel Munro.” “True, lad, true,” interrupted the impatient old man; “you were about opening your mind more fully on that matter the day you got in, but I did not think it becoming in an old soldier to be talking of nuptial(婚礼的;婚姻的) blessings and wedding jokes when the enemies of his king were likely to be unbidden guests at the feast. But I was wrong, Duncan, boy, I was wrong there; and I am now ready to hear what you have to say.”