

2017-08-06    00'23''

主播: 手抓饼啊

128 2

本期文本: Dear Edith, 亲爱的伊迪丝 I'm pleased to report 我很高兴地告诉你 that we've replaced the horrible wallpapers 我们已经换下了难看的壁纸 with together more aggreeable colours. 新墙纸商务颜色好多了 Dixon has only... if you think this possible... grown in energy. 而迪克森,相信吗,精神头更足了 She has set herself the task of engaging an undermaid, 她一心想要找个女佣 but as yet there isn't anyone 但至少方圆 within a radius of at least do miles 五十英里内 who is remotely suitable to wait on us hand and foot. 还没有一个有资格来伺候我们的人