[vlive]Minnie - 泥嚎~

[vlive]Minnie - 泥嚎~

2020-09-05    00'03''

主播: Yuan's蜜FM

245 0

Got all these emotions, don't know how to feel, 万般思绪牵绕心头 让我无所适从, Sometimes it's like I'm livin' on a ferris wheel, 有时感觉自己永远在摩天轮上起起落落看浮浮沉沉, Torn between the fiction and what is real, 在虚幻和现实的夹缝中作茧自缚, I hear you whisper to me to give you all control, 这时我听见你对我喃喃 为我心注入力量, Somedays it's harder for me just to let it go, 有时把烦恼径直甩向身后真的好难啊, I just need to step out and step into your flow, 我渐渐明白我需要迈出一步 投入你满怀爱意, No matter what the pressure, pressure, 不管身后黑影绰绰 乌云压境, You will always be the answer, answer, 你将永远是我的光明 我唯一的答案, Only you know how to steady me, 只有你了解如何让我坚定如一, Ready my heart for everything that's coming my way, 让我鼓起勇气直视未来坎坷险阻, Help me trust that you're ahead of me, 让我相信或早或晚 你从未离开, Go in before my feet with every step I take, 每一个脚印都有你伴随的痕迹, Only you can calm a storm, 只有你能平息我内心波涛汹涌, And only you can restore me when I'm worn, 只有你能缝补我内心千疮百孔, Steady me, 让我心如一, Only you can steady me, steady me, me, 只有你能让我坚定如往昔, Everybody wants to tell me what I need to do, 所有人都想插手我自己的生活, The only one I need to be listening to is you, 但是只有你的话才能叩响我的心门, So I'ma take your hand and I'ma let you lead me through, 所以我执子之手 愿你拯救我于水火, No matter what the pressure, pressure, 无论灵魂精疲力竭 黯然神伤, You will always be the answer, answer, 你将永远是我的庇护 我唯一的解药, Only you know how to steady me, 只有你了解如何让我坚定如一, Ready my heart for everything that's coming my way, 让我昂起头颅面对未来未知风雨,Help me trust that you're ahead of me, 让我相信不早不晚 你一直都在, Go in before my feet with every step I take, 每一次攀爬都有你鼓励的身影, Only you can calm a storm, 只有你能沉静我内心火焰灼灼, And only you can restore me when I'm worn, 只有你能治愈我内心斑斑驳驳, you steady me, 感谢你使我心如一, Only you can steady me, steady me, me, 只有你能让我勇敢如往昔, My energy on two, 我感觉充满力量, I'm feelin' like I'm through, 甚至过去的痛苦都已经成为浮云, These problems weighin' me down so I'm trustin' all in you, 我背负着许许多多 我也相信你总会帮我的, I'm servin' you until the death of me, 我发誓会永远信任你信仰你, Even if my light gets tanner, Stephanie, 即使我前方迷雾重重, I just look to see your hands when it's finished though, 我相信你会指引我 不离不弃, And you never let me down, so I know we winnin, '你从未让我失望 我也相信我们会永远朝向光明, Only you can keep me calm, 只有你能为我带来风平浪静, Only you can see me through, 只有你能给我浴火重生, Only you can set me free, 只有你能令我破茧成蝶, Cause... 一切的一切都因为, Only you know how to steady me, 只有你了解如何让我坚定如一, Ready my heart for everything that's comin' my way, 让我不再畏惧自信应对如今彷徨迷惑, Help me trust that you're ahead of me, 让我相信每时每刻 你始终相随, Go in before my feet with every step I take, 每一点前进都有你护佑的心意, Only you can calm a storm, 只有你能唤醒我内心光怪陆离, And only you can restore me when I'm worn, 只有你能修复我内心伤痕累累, You steady me, 让我心如一, Only you can steady me, steady me, me, 只有你能让我一如往昔, Only you can steady me, steady me, 只有你能让我一直做我自己