

2023-03-11    22'51''

主播: hu_guyue_hu

12 2

As Satoru becomes angry that he wasn't able to make a difference about Kayo's disappearance, another schoolgirl goes missing several days later. After witnessing Kayo's mother throw out her belongings, Satoru suddenly finds himself back in 2006, still under suspicion of Sachiko's murder and forced to go on the run from the police. Satoru soon comes across Airi, who believes him to be innocent and lets him stay at her house, where he learns the details of Kayo's disappearance did change slightly because of his actions. The next day, as Satoru investigates as much as he can, Airi stops her manager from reporting Satoru to the police. Later that night, after helping Satoru hide elsewhere, Airi receives a text from Sachiko's phone before becoming trapped in a house fire. (Source: Wikipedia)