

2023-03-11    25'41''

主播: hu_guyue_hu

154 2

Hyouka (2012) - S01E16 - The Last Target The Final Target As more people realize that the thefts are following the gojuuon order, a lot of amateur detectives gather early in the morning in front of the Global Acting Club (グローバルアクトクラブ ). No one thinks of the Quiz Research Society (クイズ研究会 Quiz Kenkyuukai) as a likely target, as its event is already over. In the end, it turns out that "ku" was skipped and the Light Music Club (軽音部 Keion-bu), its name starting with "ke" (け), is targeted instead. Houtarou's sister, fulfilling her earlier promise, visits the Cultural Festival on its last day and exchanges Mayaka's mirror for the manga A Corpse by Evening (夕べには骸に Yuube niwa Mukuro ni), a copy of which Mayaka was looking for in vain in her home earlier. To everyone's surprise in the club, he finds the manga fascinating and cannot put it down until he is finished reading it. It gives him some clues to the solution of the "Juumoji" mystery, but the picture is still not clear. He asks some help from Satoshi, but Houtarou still has some things to figure out. In the meantime, Eru gets five minutes of air time on the school radio. (Source: Wikipedia)