5.All of these first-week experiences will make great life-time memories but the best assets Harvard has offered me thus far have been the other students I’ve met. Everyone I’ve encountered here has been so down-to-earth that every time I see someone either singing an incredibly moving song at an A Capella Concert, performing an amazing violin solo at a talent show, or saying something extremely profound in one of my classes, I’m blown away! Appreciating and being surrounded by so many gifted people is what has made my first week at Harvard a truly priceless experience. One week down, four more years to go — I can’t wait!
1. life-time memories我毕生的珍贵记忆2.asset资产3. offer提供,给予 4. thus far 到目前为止5. encounter 遇到6. down-to-earth 朴实,脚踏实地7. incredibly moving 非常感人8. performing an amazing violin solo精彩的小提琴独奏9. at a talent show才艺秀9. extremely profound非常深刻10. I’m blown away敬佩万分11. Appreciate欣赏12. be surrounded 被。。。包围
13. gifted people1有天分的人4. a truly priceless experience. 最宝贵的经历