考研一大作文1 家风重要性 有文本

考研一大作文1 家风重要性 有文本

2016-09-15    05'14''

主播: 庆师大学英语

155 11

①What is presented to us in the picture is the importance of family customary moral standards to the health of the whole society.②These standards mainly include domestic manners, family precepts and family education, all of which are a vital point for all of us in shaping of values and moral growth.③Indeed, they are too precious to lose. ④Admittedly, great importance is attached to the cultivation of family customary ethical standards in Chinas culture.⑤It is these standards of truth, simple but profound, that not only brings us warmth, security, comfort and support, but also imposes upon us missions and responsibilities. ⑥They will lead us onto the right track: respecting the old and taking care of children; observing traditional values; and handing down customs through the ages. ⑦To wind up, all members will be friendly in a harmonious family. ⑧To love our family is to love our nation.⑨Good family discipline makes for good national discipline and then guarantees social prosperity.⑩Prosperity bodes well for a strong, democratic and harmonious modern country. 【作文译文】 ①这幅漫画呈现给我们的是家风对社会健康发展的重要性。 ②家规主要涉及家庭的礼貌、家训以及家教,它们对价值观的形成和道德发展都起到重要的作用。 ③家规实在太宝贵了,不容失去。 ④诚然,中国文化非常注重家风的培育。 ⑤正是这些简单但蕴涵着深刻道理的家风家训,给我们带来温馨、安全、抚慰和支撑,也带来了职责和使命。 ⑥它们会把我们领入正道:尊老爱幼;遵守传统价值观;传承传统。 ⑦总之,家睦便人和。 ⑧爱家即爱国。 ⑨家风正则国风清,则社稷兴。⑩繁荣是一个富强、民主、和谐的现代化国家的好兆头。 【精彩拾贝】 1 What is presented to us in the picture is the importance of to the health of the whole societ 2family precepts 4 family education to be a vital point for all of us in shaping of values and moral growth对价值观的形成和道德发展都起到重要的作用 too precious to lose太宝贵了不容失去 admittedly诚然 great importance is attached to十分注重 8cultivation培育 profound深奥的 to bring us warmth,security,comfort and support给我们带来,温馨、安全、抚慰和支撑 missions and responsibilities使命和责任 to lead onto the right track :把……带上正确的轨道 to respect the old and take care of children尊老爱幼 to observe traditional values遵守传统价值观 to hand down customs through the ages传承传统 to wind up总之 a harmonious family和谐家庭 to make for走向 to guarantee social prosperity保证社会的繁荣 a strong,democratic and harmonious modern country一个富强、民主、和谐的现代化国家 to bode well for:……的好兆头