体验英语1 Unit2 PassageA-1有双语文本

体验英语1 Unit2 PassageA-1有双语文本

2016-09-30    00'48''

主播: 庆师大学英语

365 4

Unit 2 Passage A All Great Journeys Start with a Dream 1.We all have dreams. Usually, while we’re asleep. Such dreams could be more hurtful than helpful. For example, imagine dreaming you’re eating shredded wheat, only to wake up and find half the mattress gone! Well, I’m not talking about that type of dream. Rather, I’m thinking about one’s vision, aspiration, or fervent hope for the future. Our dream is the song of our soul. Life without one is reduced to a hollow existence. But life with a dream is filled with meaning and purpose. 伟大的旅程皆始于梦想   我们大家都会做梦,往往是在我们睡着的时候。做这样的梦可能弊大于利。例如,设想一下你梦见自己在吃麦粒,结果醒来却发现半张床垫没了!不过,我要说的并不是这种梦境。确切地说,我所想的是人的愿景、抱负或对未来的炽烈希望。我们的梦想是我们的灵魂之歌。没有灵魂的生命就只是仅有躯壳的形体存在。有了梦想,生命才会富有意义和目标。 *1. be asleep 睡着的 *2.hurtful 有害的 *3. imagine [ɪ’mædʒɪn]想象,设想 4. shredded wheat麦粒 5. mattress [‘mætrəs] 床垫 *6. rather [‘rɑ:ðə(r)]:相反,而是宁愿; 稍微,有点; 相当,颇; 相反地; *7. vision [‘vɪʒn]愿意,远见n.视力,视觉; 美景,绝妙的东西; 幻影; 想像力; 8. aspiration [‘æspəˈreɪʃn] 抱负,强烈的愿望; 吸气,吸入 9. reduced to [ri‘dju:s tu:] 使降低到; 遭受; 归纳; 折合; 10. hollow [‘hɒləʊ]existence /ɪg‘zɪstəns/ 空洞的生活 11. purpose. [‘pɜ:pəs]目标,目的 on purpose 故意的 for the purpose of 为了。。。的目的