3.Most of us have a dream, aspiration, or heart’s desire. But the trouble is most of us have the on / off switch of our dream set to OFF. Whenever we say, “I can’t,” we set the switch to OFF. Whenever we believe we can, we set the switch to ON. Simple, isn’t it? Just because I believe I can do something doesn’t mean there won’t be any problems. But once I believe I can do it, I will seek solutions for every problem I stumble on. And since it is a law of life that we find what we look for, if I look for solutions, I will find them.
1. aspiration [æspə’reɪʃn] 强烈的愿望; 吸气,吸入; 发送气音; 发 h 音;
2. heart’s desire dɪ’zaɪə(r)] v,n 渴望,希望,要求,请求
3. on / off switch 开关
4. Simple 简单的
5. seek solutions for 为。。。寻找解决方法
6. stumble英[‘stʌmbl] on 遇到stumble英[‘stʌmbl]vi 跌跌撞撞地走,蹒跚; 结巴; 弄错,失足; 偶然碰见