体验英语1 Unit2 PassageB-2有双语文本

体验英语1 Unit2 PassageB-2有双语文本

2016-09-30    00'18''

主播: 庆师大学英语

35 2

2.Michelangelo Buonarroti, painter, sculptor, architect and poet once said: “The greater danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." 画家、雕塑家、建筑师兼诗人的米开朗基罗?博那罗蒂曾说:“于吾辈众人,危之大者,不在目标之高而难达,在过低而易就。” 1. painter[‘peɪntə(r)] n 画家,着色者; 油漆匠; 2.sculptor英[‘skʌlptə(r)] n 雕刻家,雕塑家; 3. architect英[‘ɑ:kɪtekt] n建筑师,设计师; 创造者,缔造者; 造物主 architecture n 建筑 4. poet英[‘pəʊɪt] n诗人; 空想家; 古典芭蕾舞大师;