新视野视听说 B1 P124 U7_3_3_1

新视野视听说 B1 P124 U7_3_3_1

2016-10-22    01'52''

主播: 庆师大学英语

492 6

Passage 1 Scripts Within five seconds of taking off, an avalanche can move at 80 miles an hour, so people rarely have time to run out of the way. But these days, avalanches don’t often strike skiers at official skiing zones because the ski patrol makes sure the skiing areas are safe. An avalanche occurs when one entire area or layer of snow slides off another layer below it. When a layer starts to slide, anything on top is carried along, and the avalanche picks up whatever lies in its path as it moves down a slope, including rocks, trees and people. When a person starts to travel across an area of unstable snow, their weight can start a slide. As long as skiers stay in the official ski areas, they don’t have to worry. “We control the hazard, so it is unlikely you’ll get caught,” explains Mike, a snow safety expert. “We do that by pressing the snow together to make it more solid, and we use explosives to make an avalanche move or to test an area to see if it is unstable.” This work can be dangerous, so ski patrol members look out for each other and keep the public at a safe distance. 18. avalanche noun [ C ] UK /ˈæv.əl.ɑːnʃ/ US /ˈæv.əl.æntʃ/ a large amount of ice, snow, and rock falling quickly down the side of amountain 雪崩too many things that arrive or happen at the same time 大量;突然到来的一大批We were swamped by an avalanche of letters/phone calls/complaints.雪片般的来信/潮水般涌进的电话/纷至沓来的投诉使我们应接不暇。 Mike and his colleagues also dig holes in the snow to study the layers. After they go back, they enter measurements into a computer; a special software creates a chart showing how the different layers are holding up. If an area looks risky, the ski patrol closes it. Q1: What speed can an avalanche reach within five seconds of taking off? Q2: According to the passage, under what circumstances may an avalanche occur? Q3: What are skiers advised to do to avoid being caught in an avalanche? Q4: Why does the ski patrol use explosives?