

2017-08-24    03'03''

主播: 庆师大学英语

207 2

新视野大学英语读写教程 Unit1 Section A 重点词汇短语及表达方式 1 the triumph of years of hard work 多年努力的结果 2 make your educational experience as rewarding as possible 使你学有所成 3 attain one’s best 取得佳绩 4 cry tears of joy 喜极而泣 5 a time unlike any other 无与伦比的时光 6 pursue new passions 追求新的爱好 7 emerge as a more broadly educated person 变得更加博学 8 give sb. a giant headache 令人头痛欲裂 9. get by 过得去,过活;勉强应付 10 an early bird 早起的人 11 a night owl 夜猫子 12 the happy experiences outweigh the unpleasant ones 快乐的经历多于令人不快的经历 13 enrich one’s life 使生活丰富多彩 14 with a glow in one’s eye 带着热切的目光 15 pass from one generation to the next 代代相传 16 inheritors of the hard work 艰苦努力的传承者 17 acquire and transmit knowledge 获取并传递知识 18 build a strong and prosperous future 创造强大昌盛的未来 19 carry the responsibilities as … 承担起……的责任 20 shape one’s future 铸就未来 21 abundant opportunities 大量机会 感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~
上一期: unit 4 turn off TV
下一期: 新视野unit1sectionB