2018-02-07    22'59''

主播: 行道

89 3

音乐、美术、英语、科普 -- > 大杂烩! ~~~ Audio: THE BLUE-FOOTED BOOBY BIRD BALLET (Little Einsteins S02E15) mp3 ~~~ Story: A blue footed booby bird and the kids together did three different ballet postures to get to the ballet show. ~~~ Music: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (1840-1893) | Swan Lake, Ballet Suite, Op.20 - Act II Pt.1 (彼得·伊里奇·柴可夫斯基 | 第20号天鹅湖芭蕾组曲 第二幕 第一部分) Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky (25 April/7 May 1840 – 25 October/6 November 1893), often anglicized(英语化)( as Peter Ilich Tchaikovsky, was a Russian composer of the romantic period, some of whose works are among the most popular music in the classical repertoire. He was the first Russian composer whose music made a lasting impression internationally, bolstered by his appearances as a guest conductor in Europe and the United States. Tchaikovsky was honored in 1884 by Emperor Alexander III, and awarded a lifetime pension. Swan Lake, Op. 20, is a ballet composed by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky in 1875–76. Despite its initial failure, it is now one of the most popular of all ballets. The scenario, initially in two acts, was fashioned from Russian folk tales and tells the story of Odette, a princess turned into a swan by an evil sorcerer&`&s curse. ~~~ Pictures: Booby birds + Ica stones Seabird boobies hunt fish by diving from a height into the sea and pursuing their prey underwater. Facial air sacs 气/液囊 under their skin cushion the impact with the water. Boobies are colonial breeders on islands and coasts. They normally lay one or more chalky-blue eggs on the ground or sometimes in a tree nest. 鲣鸟属于大型海鸟,与塘鹅(gannet)有亲缘关系。其身体大小与大海鸥相当,嘴又长又尖, 尾部成楔形,腿和脚的颜色鲜艳。此鸟两翼较长,体长约0.7米,体重一公斤左右,两足趾间有蹼,善游泳,善于捕捉小鱼和昆虫,仅在夜间及孵卵期间停留在海岛上。鲣鸟的食物是鱼和鱿鱼,为了捕食这些食物,它通常要从高处俯冲下去。 鲣鸟是中国南海诸岛数量最多的鸟类,也是南海诸岛产鸟粪最多的主要鸟类。它们早出晚归,非常勤劳。渔民也常跟着它们追捕鱼群,亲切地称鲣鸟为“导航鸟”。白腹(红脚)鲣鸟是国家二级保护动物。 蓝足鲣鸟的分布区由热带美洲伸延到加拉巴哥群岛。从外表看来,褐色羽毛使它酷似其它种类未成长的鲣鸟,不过由它两只鲜明的蓝足很容易加以辨认。蓝足鲣鸟虽然与其它鲣鸟一样都在地上栖居,但也有一部分在树上营巢。寒冷地带的雌鸟必须为幼鸟保暖;同样地,热带地区的雌鸟就得为幼鸟遮荫,避免日晒。 --- The Ica stones are a collection of andesite(安山岩)stones found in Ica Province, Peru that bear a variety of diagrams. Some of them supposedly have depictions of dinosaurs, and what is alleged to be advanced technology. These are recognised as modern curiosities or hoaxes. From the 1960s Javier Cabrera Darquea collected and popularized the stones, obtaining many of them from a farmer named Basilio Uschuya. Uschuya, after claiming them to be real ancient artifacts, admitted to creating the carvings he had sold and said he produced a patina by baking the stone in cow dung. 伊卡黑石(又称伊卡石头、伊卡石)是秘鲁伊卡大区的安山岩民俗工艺品,刻有各种艺术图案卖到外国,后来引发科学骗局而大受观光客欢迎。它是世界知名的考古学造假案。 创作者能想到在牛粪里烤石头以形成镀膜也是奇才了。 1966年秘鲁人Javier Cabrera建立一个博物馆收集从超过一万颗伊卡黑石商品,雕刻主题有恐龙、星空图、世界地图、巨人与恐龙互斗。他出书《伊卡黑石篆函》(The Message of the Engraved Stones of Ica)宣称这些石头是与恐龙时代共存的人类所作,并透过搞笑诺贝尔奖得主艾利希·冯·丹尼肯大肆宣传。1973年制作者Basilio Uschuya承认是为增加销量而编的骗局,说:“刻这些石头比耕田轻松。”至今当地民俗艺术家依旧制作上述题材的伊卡黑石卖给观光客当伴手礼。