2018-02-13    22'58''

主播: 行道

105 3

音乐、美术、英语、科普 -- > 大杂烩! ~~~ Audio: THE MISSING INVITATION (Little Einsteins S01E28) mp3 ~~~ Story: "The Missing Invitation" is the 28th episode of Little Einsteins, and the last episode of Season 1. Synopsis: The team, with their friend Butterfly, sees that the other butterflies have an invitation to a migration party in Angangueo, Mexico. But then, their friend becomes sad because he did not get his invitation and three other butterflies are teasing him. The mail carrier butterfly says that the missing invitation is in a mailbox, but in the wrong place. So the team must go to four places to find his invitation on a mailbox: Niagara Falls, the United Nations headquarters in New York City, Big Cave in Oklahoma, and the field of cows in Huston, Texas. key words: migrate, mailboxes, courageous(=brave), gazilion; clarinet, oboe. ~~~ Music: Ludwig van Beethoven | The Symphony No.9 in D minor, Op.125, Movement 4 - Ode to Joy (贝多芬 | (合唱)交响曲第九号 第四乐章:欢乐颂) "Ode to Joy" (German: "An die Freude", first line: "Freude, sch?ner G?tterfunken") is an ode written in the summer of 1785 by German poet, playwright, and historian Friedrich Schiller and published the following year in Thalia. A slightly revised version appeared in 1808, changing two lines of the first and omitting the last stanza. The ode ("Ode to Joy") is best known for its use as musical setting by Ludwig van Beethoven in the final (fourth) movement of his Ninth Symphony (completed in 1824), a choral symphony for orchestra, four solo voices and choir. In other words, the words are sung during the final movement by four vocal soloists and a chorus. Beethoven&`&s text does not use the entirety of Schiller&`&s poem, and reorders some sections. His tune(but not Schiller&`&s words) was adopted as the Anthem of Europe by the Council of Europe in 1972, and subsequently the European Union. 【与 EE 053: A Brand New Outfit (Little Einsteins S01E27) 音乐相同】 ~~~ Pictures / Art: Young Woman in the Garden by Claude Monet Navajo Woven Art ------ Oscar-Claude Monet 莫奈 (/moʊˈneɪ/; French: [klod mɔnɛ]; 14 November 1840 – 5 December 1926) was a founder of French Impressionist painting, and the most consistent and prolific practitioner of the movement&`&s philosophy of expressing one&`&s perceptions before nature, especially as applied to plein-air* landscape painting. Monet&`&s ambition of documenting the French countryside led him to adopt a method of painting the same scene many times in order to capture the changing of light and the passing of the seasons. * En plein air (French for outdoors, or plein air painting) is the act of painting outdoors. This method contrasts with studio painting or academic rules that might create a predetermined look. ------ Navajo(/Navaho) Woven Art 纳瓦霍族的编织艺术 Navajo rugs and blankets are textiles produced by Navajo people of the Four Corners area of the United States. Navajo rug and blanket weaving is recognized throughout the world, not only because of its aesthetic qualities, but also because of its unique stylistic changes. Navajo women believe the art of weaving was taught by Spider Woman, who constructed a loom according to directions given by the Holy People. Today distinct styles of rugs identify designs woven in different regions: Two Grey Hills, Ganado, TeecNosPos and Crystal-all famous world wide.