The Great Sky Race Rematch  音频+拓展提示

The Great Sky Race Rematch 音频+拓展提示

2018-06-22    22'59''

主播: 行道

432 3

音乐、美术、英语、科普 -- > 大杂烩! ~~~ Audio: The Great Sky Race Rematch (Little Einsteins S02E29) mp3 ~~~ Story: "The Great Sky Race Rematch" is the 12th episode of Little Einsteins Season 2. Synopsis: Rocket won the race last year, so this will be a rematch for Big Jet. Rocket has four buttons: a submarine, a pogo bouncer, a train, and his flying button. Big Jet distracts the team to prevent them from seeing what he is doing, and when the race starts, Big Jet destroys the flying button, which disables Rocket from flying. Now, it is up to the team to help Rocket win the trophy and avoid Big Jet's attempts to slow them down while Quincy reassembles the flying button. ~~~ Pictures/Art: Whirlpool and Waves at Naruto, Awa Province, painted by Utugawa Hiroshige (见配图) ~~~ Music: William Tell Overture (威廉退尔(/泰尔)序曲), written by Gioacchino Rossini(意大利作曲家:吉奥基诺.罗西尼)