100 English Stories For Children Book 10

100 English Stories For Children Book 10

2017-01-03    01'01''

主播: 爱迪生讲英文故事👑

126 3

100 English Stories For Children 100个儿童英文故事 # 10 Playing Together一起玩耍 We like to play with the blocks.我们喜欢玩积木。 We like to play with the trucks.我们喜欢玩小货车。 We like to play with the dolls.我们喜欢玩布娃娃。 We like to play with a ball.我们喜欢玩球。 We like to play with the bears.我们喜欢玩玩具熊。 We like to play with the puzzles.我们喜欢玩拼图。 We like to play with the cars.我们喜欢玩小汽车。 We like to play with the toys.我们喜欢玩玩具。 更多精彩内容请关注微信公众平台:爱迪生讲英文故事