100个儿童英文故事集之Book 19 “What is very long?”

100个儿童英文故事集之Book 19 “What is very long?”

2017-01-26    01'22''

主播: 爱迪生讲英文故事👑

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100个儿童英文故事集之Book 19 “What is very long?” Readers are leaders! This is a giraffe. The giraffe has a very long neck.这是一只长颈鹿。 长颈鹿有一个很长的脖子。 Here is a frog. The frog has very long legs.这里是一只青蛙。 青蛙有很长的腿。 This is a bird. The bird has a very long beak.这是一只鸟。 鸟有一个很长的喙​。 Here is an elephant. The elephant has a very long trunk.这里是一头大象。 大象有一个非常长的躯干。 This is a monkey. The monkey has a very long tail.这是一只猴子。 猴子有一条很长的尾巴。 Here is a rabbit. The rabbit has very long ears.这是一只兔子。 兔子有非常长的耳朵。 This is a walrus. The walrus has very long teeth.这是海象。 海象有很长的牙齿。 Here is a hippopotamus. The hippopotamus has a very long name! 这是河马。河马有一个很长的名字。 更多精彩内容请关注微信公众平台:爱迪生讲英文故事。