100个儿童英文故事集之Book 72“Pig's new house”

100个儿童英文故事集之Book 72“Pig's new house”

2017-07-09    03'01''

主播: 爱迪生讲英文故事👑

373 10

Pig did not like his old pen. He wanted a new house. Pig found a nice spot by the pond. It was just right for a new house. Pig saw Sheep. “I am building a new house,” said Pig. “Do you want to help?” “Yes,” said Sheep. “I will cut the wood.” “Thank you,” said Pig. Pig saw Horse. Pig said, “I am building a new house. Can you help me?” “Yes, I can,” said Horse. “I can build the walls.” “Thank you,” Pig said. Pig saw Duck. “I am building a new house,” said Pig. “Can you help me?” “I can help you,” said Duck. “I can build the roof.” “Thank you,” Pig said. Pig saw Rabbit. “I like your new house,” said Rabbit. “I want to paint the house,” Pig said. “I can help you,” said Rabbit. “I can paint the house.” “Thank you,” said Pig. All the animals liked Pig’s new house. “The wood looks nice,” said Sheep. “The walls look nice,” said Horse. “The roof looks nice,” said Duck. Rabbit said, “The paint looks nice, too!” “I built a nice, new house,” said Pig. “We built a nice, new house,” said Sheep. “We did all the work!” “Yes, you did,” said Pig. “So this nice new house is for all of us. Come in!” And they all did! About Stories 这篇小故事讲的是:小猪今天想建一座房子。于是请来好朋友来帮忙。小羊帮助锯木头,小马帮助搭墙,小鸭子帮助搭屋顶,小兔子帮助粉刷房子。终于完成了,房子很漂亮。小猪说:“我建了一座美丽的房子”小羊说:“是我们建了一座漂亮房子,我们干了所有的活”。小猪说:“没错,这是一座属于大家的房子,请进吧”!