20天掌握地道美式发音课程:Day 13 Contractions

20天掌握地道美式发音课程:Day 13 Contractions

2017-08-20    03'56''

主播: 爱迪生讲英文故事👑

129 7

Contractions 常见缩略I'm, can't, it's... 要注意正式文体中不会用缩写 are缩略成're 听起来像/ə/ What are you doing? →What’re you doing? When are you coming? → When’re you coming? How are you doing? →How ’re you doing? Here are two extra ones. →Here ’re two extra ones. There are a lot of things to listen for. What are you talking about? Here are some choices. Grammar and pronunciation are linked. 你在做什么? 你什么时候来? 你好吗? 这里有两个额外的。 有很多事要听。 你在说什么? 这里有一些选择。 语法和发音相连。 更多精彩内容请关注微信公众平台:爱迪生讲英文故事