100个儿童英文故事集#80“The Wise Black Bird”

100个儿童英文故事集#80“The Wise Black Bird”

2017-09-29    03'25''

主播: 爱迪生讲英文故事👑

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The Wise Blackbird Once there was a bluebird who liked to brag. He looked at the sky,he looked at his wings,and he smiled. “How fine I look!”thought the bluebird. “I am as blue as the sky!” The bluebird flew high and low in the blue sky. The bluebird saw a mouse. “Hello!” said the bluebird to the mouse. “It is a beautiful day,isn’t it?” “Yes, it is a beautiful day,”said the mouse. “The sky is a beautiful blue.” “I am blue, too,”said the bluebird. “I am beautiful,like the blue sky.” “Oh,” sighed the mouse. “I am not blue. I am gray.I am not the color of the sky.” The bluebird laughed and flew away. The bluebird saw a flamingo. “Hello!” said the bluebird. “It is a beautiful day,isn’t it?” “Yes,” said the flamingo. “It is a fine and sunny day.” “Look at the beautiful blue sky,”said the bluebird. “I am blue, like the sky.” “I am pink,”said the flamingo. “Blue is better than pink,”bragged the bluebird. “Blue is the color of the sky!” “Oh,” said the flamingo. “I am not the color of the sky.” The flamingo was angry.He flew away without saying good-bye. The bluebird looked up. He saw a blackbird at the top of a tree. “Hello!” said the bluebird. “It is a beautiful day,isn’t it?” “Yes it is,”said the blackbird. “I am blue,like the sky,”said the bluebird. “I am not blue,”said the blackbird. “I am black.” “Blue is better than black,”bragged the bluebird. “Blue is the color of the sky.” The blackbird was wise. “Yes, blue is beautiful,”he said. “Blue is the color of the sky.” “But the sky is not always blue. Sometimes it is gray,like a mouse. Sometimes it is pink,like a flamingo. Sometimes it is black,like me.” The bluebird was surprised. “When is the sky gray,like a mouse?” he asked. “The sky is gray on a cloudy day,”said the blackbird. “It is as gray as a mouse.” “When is the sky pink,like a flamingo?”asked the bluebird. “The sky is pink at sunset,”said the blackbird. “It is as pink as a flamingo.” “When is the sky black,like you are?”asked the bluebird. “The sky is black at night when the stars are shining,” said the blackbird. “It is as black as I am.” The bluebird thought and thought. He thought about the gray mouse and the sky on a cloudy day. He thought about the pink flamingo and the sky at sunset. He thought about the blackbird and the sky at night. “You are right,” he said to the blackbird. “A mouse is as gray as the sky. A flamingo is as pink as the sky. A blackbird is as black as the sky. And I am as blue as the sky.” “We are all the colors of the sky. We are all beautiful.” The bluebird still liked being blue, but he never bragged again.