Title: คนไม่มีเวลา / Kon Mai Mee Welah (A Person With No Time)
Artist: Wan Thanakrit
Album: [Single] (??)
Year: 2008 (??)
ฉากเก่าๆ ยังจำไว้ในใจ
Chahk gao gao yung jum wai nai jai
I still remember the old scenes in my heart
เคยรักเธอยังไง รักเธอดังเดิม
Koey ruk tur yung ngai ruk tur dung derm
However I once loved you, I still love you the same
Pahp took pahp yung dtahm kit yoo mai hai bpai
Every vision still follows my thoughts, never fading
Siang hua ror bon kwahm aun wai
The sound of laughter overpowers my weakness
เจ็บปวดรู้ไหม ไม่อยากเคลื่อนไหว
Jep bpuat roo mai mai yahk kleuan wai
Do you know it hurts? I don’t want to move
Mai yahk tum rai krai
I don’t want to hurt anyone
Mun yung mai praum mee krai chai mai
I’m not ready for anyone yet, right?
Ja kor ror tur yahng derm
I want to continue waiting for you like this
(*) เธออยากกลับมาไหม
Tur yahk glup mah mai
Do you want to come back?
Yoo dtua kon diao mai leua krai
Living alone with no one left
Ngao gern bpai bahng mai tur
Isn’t it too lonely?
รออยู่ไม่ไปไหน ปล่อยให้เวลาผ่านฉันไป
Ror yoo mai pbai nai bploy hai welah pahn chun bpai
I’m waiting for you, not going anywhere, letting time pass me by
Pror leum tur mai wai mai dai yoo dee
Because I just can’t forget you
สิ่งใหม่ๆ ไม่เคยให้เข้ามา
Sing mai mai mai koey hai kao mah
Nothing new has come up
คนไม่มีเวลา แม้นานยังไง
Kon mai mee welah mae nahn yung ngai
I’m a person who doesn’t have time, no matter how long it’s been
Kae proong nee wun diao tee dteun mah hai jai
Just tomorrow that I’ll wake up from breathing
Lae peua praum ror tur dtor bpai
And get ready to continue waiting for you
เหน็ดเหนื่อยรู้ไหม ไม่อยากเคลื่อนไหว
Net neuay roo mai mai yahk kleuan wai
Do you know I’m tired? I don’t want to move
Mai yahk ja ruk krai
I don’t want to love anyone else
Mun yung mai praum mee krai chai mai
I’m not ready for anyone yet, right?
Ja kor ror tur yahng derm
I want to continue waiting for you like this
Kwahm song jum tee dee chun kor hai mun mai hai bpai
I don’t want the good memories to disappear
Dtae tur kong ja leum meua tur mee krai
But you’ll probably forget when you’re with someone else
Gahn welah aht mee ngeuan kai
Time might have restrictions
Dtae dtaek dtahng jahk jai kaung chun
But unlike my heart
Tee ja ror piang tur meuan derm
That will wait only for you just the same
Yung ror yoo mai bpai nai
I’m still waiting, not going anywhere
Bploy hai welah pahn chun bpai
Letting time pass me by
Chun leum tur mai wai mai dai yoo dee
I just can’t forget you
cr: deungdutjai