Long Live

Long Live

2017-01-25    05'18''

主播: 青见🌸

389 10

Taylor Swift - Long Live万岁 I say remember this moment In the back of my mind我说我会记住这个时刻,在我心底黑暗之处 The time we stood with our shaking hands我们挥着手站立的时刻 The crowds in stands went wild我们所在的人群变得疯狂 We were the kings and the queens我们是国王和王后 And they read off our names他们大声喊出我们的名字 The night you danced like you knew our lives Would never be the same你舞蹈的那晚 好像你了解我们的生活永远不会一样 You held your head like a hero On a history book page你像个英雄一样撑住你的脑袋 在历史书页中 It was the end of a decade这是这十年的最后时刻 But the start of an age但也是一切的开始 Long live the walls we crashed through万岁!我们冲破的墙壁 All the kingdom lights shined just for me and you王国里所有的灯光都是为你我而发光 I was screaming, "long live all the magic we made"我在尖叫万岁!我们所创造的一切魔法! And bring on all the pretenders然后带上我们所有的伪装者 One day we will be remembered有一天我们会被铭记 I said remember this feeling我说过我记得这种感觉 I passed the pictures around过往种种在我脑海浮现 Of all the years that we stood there on the sidelines我们在边线一起站立国的那些日子 Wishing for right now为现在祝福 We are the kings and the queens我们是国王和王后 You traded your baseball cap for a crown你拿你的棒球帽换了王冠 When they gave us our trophies当他们给我们战利品时 And we held them up for our town我们为了城镇 将他们高高举起 And the cynics were outraged讽刺着被侮辱 Screaming, "this is absurd"大喊“太荒唐了!” 'Cause for a moment a band of thieves in ripped up jeans got to rule the world因为有那么个时刻,死开牛仔裤的小偷们会主宰世界 Long live the walls we crashed through同前 All the kingdom lights shined just for me and you同前 I was screaming, "long live all the magic we made"同前 And bring on all the pretenders同前 I'm not afraid我不害怕 Long live all the mountains we moved万岁 我们住过的所有山峰 I had the time of my life Fighting dragons with you我将我生命中的时间用来和你斗龙 I was screaming, "long live the look on your face"我在尖叫“万岁!你脸上的表情!” And bring on all the pretenders带上所有的伪装者 One day we will be remembered有一天我们会被铭记 And you take a moment Promise me this:你花点时间向我承诺: That you'll stand by me forever你会永远站在我身边 But if God forbid fate should step in但如果上帝禁止这样 一定要干预 And force us into a goodbye并勒令我们分手 If you have children someday等到你有孩子的那一天 When they point to the pictures当他们指着那些照片 Please tell them my name请告诉他们我的名字 Tell them how the crowds went wild告诉他们人群是怎么疯狂的 Tell them how I hope they shine告诉他们我托们希望他们闪耀发光
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