Busted Hey everyone -大家好, 我们有见面了。 My name is Sean; 我是欧尚。And I’m Laura; 我是罗拉。 And we are teachers with 微Talk; 我们是WeiTalk的英语老师。 Today, we’re going to learn a pretty authentic new word. But if you’re careful, you may never have to use it! The word is “busted.” [今天, 我们向大家介绍一个非常地道的词,不过如果你小心谨慎、规规矩矩的话,你可能永远都用不上它了!那么这个词就是,busted。] The word “busted”can refer to something that is broken. However, today, we’re going to learn how to use busted in a different way. The word “busted” can be slang for getting caught doing something bad, for doing something you shouldn’t do, or for not doing something that you should do! Being arrested is one example of getting busted! Busted这个词可以用来指某些东西坏掉了,但是今天我们向大家介绍的是它作为俚语的另外一个意思。Busted可以用来指某人做了坏事,做了什么不该做的,或者没有做应该做的事情,而被发现,被抓住。比如说,被逮捕可以说getting busted。 The word busted in this case is a verb. You can get busted for something or someone can bust you for something. So, let’s try to use the word “busted” to make a few sentences! Sentence 1: I got busted for cheating on my exam yesterday. (read twice) 昨天我考试打小抄被抓住了。 Sentence 2: My friend was busted for staying out too late. (read twice) 我朋友昨天回家很晚,被逮了个正着。 Sentence 3: The police busted the thief for stealing. (read twice) 警察逮捕了这个小偷。 Well, that’s all we have for today. By the way, what’s the worst thing you’ve been busted for? Leave a comment below… if you dare! Until next time, 再见!
上一期: Broke
下一期: Call It A Day