【E28】level1 10-1  What are you doing right now?

【E28】level1 10-1 What are you doing right now?

2017-05-02    07'08''

主播: 启哲英语

32 1

1. Conversations: Day 36 - What are you doing right now? A: Hey, Andrea. What are you doing right now? B: Me? I’m working. A: Are you playing with your phone? B: No! I’m not playing with my phone. I am working hard!J A: Hi Katie, where is your sister? B: She is running right now. A: Oh, I see her. But she isn’t running, she is walking! B: Ha ha, maybe she is too tired today. 2. Grammar 语法 What are you doing right now? I’m.......ing. (动词+ing) 意思是我正在。 比如 I’m running. 我正在跑步 I'm not ......ing. | He/she/it is not (isn't) .....ing. | You/we/they are not (aren't) .....ing. "He's not (he isn't) standing. He's sitting." "She's not (she isn't) running. She's walking." "It's not (it isn't) walking. It's running. " "They're not (they aren't) working. They're playing. " "We're not (we aren't) watching tv. We're surfing the Net." 3. Open Question - can't simply Long answer Short answer say yes or no "What are you doing?" "I'm learning English." "Learning English." "What is he doing?" "He's learning English." "Learning English." "What is she doing?" "She's learning English." "Learning English." "What are we doing?" "We're learning English." "Learning English." "What are they doing?" "They're learning English." "Learning English." 4. Activity Answer the questions. What are you doing right now? What are your kids doing? What is your cat/dog/pet doing? 5. Homework Write your own conversation similar to #1J