So let's move on to the next section: Section 10 - On Vacation
I'll ask some questions
You answer them!
How long were you there?
I was there for only 5 days, and then I went to my next destination.
I was there for about two weeks
Next question: Who were you there with?
What did you do there?
I was there for one week to visit my father.
We drove around and spent a lot of time at the beach.
Next question: How was the weather and food?
Bamboo Shoots
I ate some local vegetables.
Do you want to go there again?
Did everyone do the reading section?
Let's look at the questions below
If it's not 1 or 2 ... then we know it's 3
So .. "I lost five pounds and I feel terrific" goes to which one?
So your homework tonight is to Preview Section 1 of Lesson 8