level 1口语 8-2  日期

level 1口语 8-2 日期

2017-05-10    06'22''

主播: 启哲英语

17 1

January 一月份 February 二月份 March 三月份 April 四月份 May 五月份 June 六月份 July 七月份 August 八月份 September 九月份 October 十月份 November 十一月份 December 十二月份 1st... First ... 1号 2nd... Second ...2号 3rd... Third... 3号 4th... Forth... 4号 5th... Fifth... 5号 22nd... Twenty second.. 22号 23rd... Twenty third... 23号 When's your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候?It's on the _______ of ______. 比如 It's on the eleventh of April. What date is it today? 几天是几号?It's the ______of ______. 比如 It's the seventh of August.