So today! We&`&re going to talk about location and "there is" "there are"
Is there a bank around here?
Is there a bank around here?
Good job Annie and Penny
But before we start answering questions, let me hear your questions first
The homework was to make questions about the places above the map.... yes?
Let me hear your questions!
Is there a gym around here?
Is there a cafe near here?
Right now, let&`&s not do the answers..
Let&`&s just do the questions
You could also use "Where" to ask these questions
Where is there a drug store?
How about "restaurants"
Okay, it seems like the questions are generally OK
So now let me ask you a question, and you give me an answer.
Is there a post office in town?
Is there a drug store in town?
Yes there is!
Mom and Pop&`&s Grocery
Pop is another word for 爸爸
I went to go visit my Mom and Pop
Yes, there are two gas stations opposite each other on the corner of Main Street and First Avenue.
Does anyone have any questions about locations?
Take a minute to think [微笑]
Especially if you&`&re writing really long ones
First national bank is on the corner of first avenue and pine street, next to Prince&`&s grocery store and across from the park.
King Plaza Hotel and First National Bank are opposite each other on Pine Street.
A is across from B .....
A and B are opposite each other ..
1) There is becomes "There&`&s"
2) "There are" is also shortened
From "There are" into "Thereare"
Practice: "There are some great restaurants downtown."
"There&`&s a really nice museum in that city."
"He said there&`&s no grocery store here."
Good everyone .. not bad!
I think that&`&s all we have time for today!
Okay, we don&`&t have time
So we&`&ll study Section 5 for homework!
Over the weekend
I want you to work with your partner
To ask and answer questions about all of these places in your neighborhood
Also, part of your home work is to preview Section 7
You don&`&t have to do to much for Section 7
Just read it, and prepare to talk about it..
Have a nice weekend everyone!