【E32】level4 -9 Indirect Questions

【E32】level4 -9 Indirect Questions

2017-05-16    18'48''

主播: 启哲英语

31 1

One belt, one road 一带一路 Match / competition 比赛 Recently some of my friends and colleagues have been working on a project. We have been designing a new Car Charging Station 充电桩 That's why I have been so busy recently Electric - adjective Electricity - noun I'm not a scientist. I do the designs. And someone else works on the science part of the project [偷笑] I don't know how to drive [Facepalm] I don't have a driver's license for cars. We are working with this company to design a new charging station for cars. The company is called X-Charge Yesterday we looked at how to turn Wh-questions with Be into Indirect questions Do any of you have any questions about that? How often do the buses leave? Can you tell me HOW OFTEN THE BUSES LEAVE? We should not use 'do' in the indirect question. Can you tell me... Do you know... These are some ways to start indirect questions. What time DOES the bank open? Do you know WHAT TIME THE BANK OPENS? We do not use the word 'does' in the indirect question. And, we say 'opens'. This is because 'bank' is like 'he / she / it'. He opens She opens It opens When DOES he go to work? Do you know when he GOES to work? This next example is in the past tense. When DID Flight 566 arrive? Do you know when Flight 566 ARRIVED? When DID he go to work? Do you know when he WENT to work? Here are some ways to start indirect questions: Could you tell me... Can you tell me... Do you know... Who wants to try the last two? This is because we are talking about 'the best hotel in the area'. We are thinking of this as one thing. So we should put the IS after this thing. Syllable 音节 In English, we have to be careful about which part of word we should emphasise or stress (强调) SUBway TRAffic gaRAGE poLICE Please review the class again when you have some time! Today's grammar was very important! [愉快]