【E32】level4 -12 Houses and apartments

【E32】level4 -12 Houses and apartments

2017-05-22    18'35''

主播: 启哲英语

13 1

Subtitles 字幕 Dub 配音 To dub a movie For example: The movie was dubbed in a different language The movie was dubbed in Chinese. I am coming. This means that I have not reached yet. It means that I am on my way. (我在路上的意思) I am here. This means that I have arrived (我到了的意思 The name of the movie is not in English. It is called Dangal. It is a word in an Indian language. There are a few different Indian languages. I&`&m not sure which language they used in the movie Actually, there are some cinemas that show the movie in Hindi. And they have Chinese subtitles. If the movie is dubbed in Chinese, I think I can understand it [呲牙] Bright This means that there is a lot of light. It is not dark. Comfortable 舒服 Convenient 方便的/近便的 For example: My apartment is very convenient. It is only 5 minutes away from my office. And there is a subway station next to it. Cramped 局促 For example: His bedroom is very cramped. There is only space for a bed. He cannot walk around the bed easily. Dangerous 危险 For example: He lives in a dangerous neighborhood. There is a lot of crime there. Dark - this means there isn&`&t much light. Dingy 昏暗的 / 肮脏破旧的 / 暗淡的 发音是 Din Jee For example: The room was really dingy. It was dark and all the things inside were really old. The color of the walls was not bright. Expensive 昂贵的 For example: Apartments in Beijing are very expensive I live in a very small apartment [偷笑] But it is still very expensive I feel that way every time I have to pay the rent for my apartment Huge 极大的 For example: He has a lot of money. So he lives in a huge apartment in Shanghai. Inconvenient 不方便的 For example: He lives in a very inconvenient location. He has to ride the bus for 1 hour to get to the subway station. Ride the bus Take the bus They are both correct It takes him one hour to get to the subway station by bus. I want all of you to make one sentence using each of the words we looked at today. We will all have a look at your sentences tomorrow! These words are all really important! They can be VERY useful when we are speaking about many different things! So please practice using them!