【E32】level4 -13 Houses and Apartments

【E32】level4 -13 Houses and Apartments

2017-05-23    19'33''

主播: 启哲英语

15 1

Advantages 好处 Disadvantages 坏处 Did all of you review the words we looked at yesterday? Modern 现代的 For example: He lives in a very modern apartment. His old house was very traditional. Traditional 传统的 Noisy 喧闹的 For example: He lives in a very noisy neighborhood. He can't sleep properly at night. Perfect pronunciation of the word 'traditional' this time [强] Private 僻静的 发音是 Prai Vet For example: The apartment building is in a very private location. No outsiders can disturb the people living there. Quiet 安静的 For example: He doesn't like to live in quiet towns. He prefers to live in big cities. Safe 安全的 For example: She has a daughter now. So she wants to live in a safe area. Shabby 破破烂烂的 For example: His house was really shabby. He had not maintained it very well. Here, 'maintain' means 保养 Spacious 宽敞的 发音是 Spei Shuss For example: She has a very spacious house. Her children can run around freely. I will give each of you a word. You will have to make a sentence using that word. Remember, These are adjectives. You should use them to describe things. And, keep your sentences simple. I have an electric car. It is very convenient for me to go to work. Electric - adjective This is used to describe most things that run on electricity. For example, electric cars, electric bikes. Electrical - this is also an adjective, but it is usually used to talk about things like 'wires', 'systems' etc. Electric 用电的 Electrical 电的 The river is very dangerous. It is very _______________. We cannot use the word 'cramped' to talk about a river. Narrow 狭窄的 For example: The road is very narrow. The river is very narrow. The room is very cramped. It might be better to say: The river is very dangerous. It is very deep. If someone falls into the river, they might die. The river is very narrow. So the ship cannot GO through it. Through is not a verb. Go is a verb. The house where I live has 4 rooms. The bedroom and the living room are spacious but the washroom and the kitchen are very small. I hope you all have a good night! Keep reviewing and using the new words that we learnt in Section 1. They can be very useful in our daily lives!