【E31】level1 - 20 Review 复习

【E31】level1 - 20 Review 复习

2017-05-31    07'52''

主播: 启哲英语

20 0

Day 20 – Review 复习 Activity. 选择“an” 或者 “a” ______ drugstore ______ bank ______ ATM ______ bus stop ______ supermarket ______ cinema/ movie theater ______ umbrella ______ handbag ______ phone Phrases/ sentences: Is there a supermarket nearby? Is there a subway station nearby? - There are 2 subway stations nearby。 Is there a drugstore nearby? - Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t. A drugstore drugstores A supermarket supermarkets A shopping mall shopping malls A subway station subway stations A bus stop bus stops A Cinema cinemas A bank banks An ATM ATMs Activity. Complete the sentences. A: Hello, is there a cinema nearby? B: Yes, there _____. It’s _______ the shopping mall. A: Thanks! A: Excuse me, is there a drugstore nearby? B: No, there _____. Sorry! A: That’s okay. Words Tall, short, slim, skinny, heavy, tanned, pale, muscular, ripped Very tall, very short Quite slim, quite tanned Activity What does your _____ look like? mother/father/husband/wife/brother/sister/daughter/son/ friend/grandmother/grandfather/teacher Conversation: A: I have a new boyfriend. B: Really? What does he look like? A: He is quite tall. B: How tall is he? A: He’s 1.9 meters tall. B: Wow! Is he slim? A: Yes, he is very slim. B: I’m excited to meet him. Activity What does she look like? What does he look like? What does she look like?