Day 24 - When is your birthday?
- To teach how to ask someone’s birthday and to answer one’s birthday. 学习如何询问和表达某人的生日。
- To learn and practice 12 months.
练习以及回顾 12 月份的英文表达。
- To review and practice ordinal numbers.
January 一月份
February 二月份
March 三月份
April 四月份
May 五月份
June 六月份
July 7月份
August 八月份
September 九月份
October 十月份
November 十一月份
December 十二月份
Phrases/ sentences:
-When is your birthday? 你的生日是几月几号?
-My birthday is on.... (号)
-My birthday is in... (月)
Hannah’s birthday is on November 24th.
Hannah’s birthday is in November.
Talking about specific dates:
1st = first
2nd = second
3rd = third
4th = fourth
5th = fifth
6th = sixth
7th = seventh
8th = eighth
9th = ninth
10th = tenth
11th = eleventh...
22nd = twenty second
23rd = twenty third
30th = thirtieth
1. Conversation
A: Hey Hannah, when’s your birthday?
B: Hey Craig, it’s in November. When’s yours?
A: It’s on July 18th.
B: Wow, that’s pretty soon. How about your mom’s birthday?
A: Her birthday is in March.
B: What date?
A: Hmm, I think it’s on the 2nd.
4. Homework assignment
与伙伴练习生日的表达,至少问答 5 个问题
When is your birthday?
When is your father’s birthday?
When is your husband’s birthday?
When is your wife’s birthday?
Extra practice:
5. 年份和月份
(1) 年 份
1 读年份时一般分为两个单位来读,前两个数为一个,后两个数为一个: 1949 读 作 :nineteen forty-nine 或 nineteen hundred and forty-nine
2 如果是三位数,先读第一位,再把后两个数合起来读: 253 读 作 :two fifty-three 或 two hundred and fifty-three
3 另外: 2000 读作:two thousand,1902 读作:nineteen hundred and two 或 nineteen o two