Sunrise to Sunset
Sunrise - when the sun comes out in the morning.
Sunset - when the sun goes down in the evening.
糟糕 – terrible
Sounds like fun
We say this when we think that someone enjoyed themselves. If we think that something someone did was fun, we can say to them 'Sounds like fun'.
This means that the activity was fun.
Long time no see
This is a fixed expression
We cannot change the fixed expression.
But we can say:
I have not seen you in a long time.
We do not say:
I am + noun
So, we cannot say:
I am time.
I'm not time.
This is not correct.
I have time.
I do not have time.
I did not have a lot of time.
Sounds good.
Sounds interesting.
Sounds nice.
Swimming suit
There WAS a discount on Taobao.
They HAD a discount on Taobao.
Lots of packageS
in order to
Bikini 比基尼
I learnt to swim in order to be able to wear a bikini at the beach.
But this sentence is very long.
It's easier to say:
I learnt to swim so that I could wear a bikini at the beach.
Skipping rope - this is a noun. It is the thing. It is the rope that we use for the exercise.
to skip rope - this is the action.
I skip rope every morning.
I cannot find my skipping rope.
实现 - fulfil
It was my dream a long time ago. I have fulfilled my dream already.
To fulfil a dream
To fulfil a promise
Be going to
We use these when we talk about the future.
But they are used a little differently
Be going to + verb
We say this when we are talking about plans that we have already decided.
I am going to go to the United States on the 2nd of July.
I have already bought the tickets. The plan is fixed. That plan has been decided.
So I say 'be going to + verb'
Do all of you understand this?
Now, let's look at 'will'
We use 'will' when we talk about possible plans in the future. We use this before we make a decision.
For example:
I think I will go see Hollywood when I travel to Los Angeles.
Here, it is not a decision. It is a possible plan.
It might happen. It might not happen.
Do all of you understand this?
So, in all these sentences, we use the word 'will'
This is because these are not fixed plans.
These are things that might happen.
Here are the grammar rules:
Be going to + verb
Will + verb
Please raise your hand if you want to try!
Have you made any vacation plans?
Well, I've decided on one thing - I AM GOING TO go camping.
go camping 去野营
I AM GOING TO be away for a week.
Decided plans
be going to + verb
Possible plans
will + verb
This section is about this grammar.
So the sentences will make it easy to understand fi something is a decided plan or a possible plan
For example, in the next sentence, the word 'probably' is used.
This means it is not decided. It is a possible plan.
So we should use 'will'
So the sentences will make it easy to understand if something is a decided plan or a possible plan.
For example, in the next sentence, the word 'probably' is used.
This means it is not decided. It is a possible plan.
So we should use 'will'
probably 很可能
This means that a decision has not been made yet. This person is just discussing a possible plan.