【E33】level4 -1 lesson 1

【E33】level4 -1 lesson 1

2017-07-03    12'27''

主播: 启哲英语

44 1

So, does everyone have a copy of the new book open? "Friend Finder" The section "Friend Finder" is based on a social network ... 社交网络 Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube are popular "social networks" in America Let's start by reading their email addresses ted.johnson@cup.org @ is always read as "at" Then of an email address usually ends in .com, .net, or .org Let's take a look at Ana's email a_fernandez@email.com "_" is called an underscore a_fernandez@email.com @alice Right! That's the way to say it So ... what's your email address? (you don't have to say the real one) My email address is: charlesc@gmail.com @amanda Amanda_??? @gmail.com Hahah ... yes, some Chinese email addresses are hard to read! kelly_ma@driowin.com Okay ... before we move on ... let's do a bit more practice charlie.rose@yahoo.com How do you read it? melissa4577@sina.com.cn How do you read that one? Let's read about Ted and Ana.... "-" is read "dash" annie-zhang@sina.com I don't know what a shanghuaxian is ? Ohhh... I didn't understand. Yes, that's "at" Do you think Ted and Ana could be friends? Ted works at "Deluxe Tours" Anna works at "Sports Unlimited" Can anyone find any other differences between Ted and Ana? Their interests are different.... 障碍 "obstacle" They have that "in common" We often say this about friends: we have _____(hobby)____ in common. We have our love of animals in common. We have our interest in movies in common I think they could be friends, because Ted and Anna both like the outdoors I think they couldn't be friends, because Ted and Ana are from different countries Okay... let's read the conversation It's about Ted and Ana (both Ted and Ana are skating in this conversation) Where is the "see"? We can use "Say ..." or "By the way...." As a way to change the topic I think everyone can see that the material is a little harder than the last book Which is good! A challenge is good .. This week, we'll go slowly Not too fast. So for homework, preview Section 3 "Past Tense" And Section 5 "Speaking - Tell Me About Yourself" I'm Charlie ... I live in New York ... I work most of the time in marketing. But I also like to teach English very much. I lived in China for many years But now I'm back in the USA Dalian is a great city! I have lots of friends in Dalian I lived in Beijing for 6.5 years I'll see you all tomorrow! Then Chengdu for 3.5 years after that...