

2017-07-15    01'58''

主播: 启哲英语

65 1

旅游英语套餐4:原来pleasure不只是高兴,还可以是旅游啊 英语学习报名咨询微信号:qizhejiaoyu2 欢迎收听我们旅游英语系列的最后一集,我们来看看美国入境官会问你哪些问题吧! 情景对话 Good morning, welcome to the United States. Are you here for business or pleasure? 早上好,欢迎你来美国。你是商务还是旅游来的? Pleasure. 旅游。 What will be the duration of your stay? 你要待多长时间? I’ll be here for one week. 我要待一周。 And where will you be residing while you’re in the United States? 你在美国的时候要住在哪里? I’m staying at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Manhattan. 我要住曼哈坦的君悦酒店。 Will you be staying in town the whole time or will you be travelling around the U.S.? 你要一直留在市区还是要去别的地方游览? I’ll be in New York the whole time. 我全部的时间都要待在纽约。 And, how much money are you carrying with you? 还有,你身上有多少钱? I’m carrying about $5000 in cash. 我带着大概5000美元的现金。 Ok. All done. Have a pleasant stay. 好的,都完成了。祝你玩得开心。 Vocabulary: business 商务 pleasure 乐趣 (出行场景中,指旅游) duration 时长 residing 住 in town 在市区内 cash 现金 报名咨询微信号:qizhejiaoyu2