【E34】-1 Continents and Countries

【E34】-1 Continents and Countries

2017-07-17    11'33''

主播: 启哲英语

125 8

My name is _____. 大家介绍自己吧 Where are you from? I&`&m from _______. Ireland Ireland, Europe. Continent / continents 大洲 North America 北美洲 South America 南美洲 Europe 欧洲 Africa非洲 Asia 亚洲 Australia 澳洲 Asia 亚洲 Asian 亚洲人 Anatarctica 南极洲 Which continents have you visited? I&`&ve visited _____ and _____. I&`&ve never been to another continent. Continent 大洲 Country 国家 I&`&ve visited North America. How many countries have you visited? 你去过几个国家? I&`&ve visited none. I&`&ve never visited another country. 大家问问你同学们 Which countries have you visited? 先说一个英文名然后再问吧 I&`&ve visited ______ and _____. 泰国 Thailand 马来西亚 Malaysia 印尼 Indonesia 日本 Japan 韩国 Korea Malaysia Asia Indonesia 后面的发音都一样的 I&`&ve never visited _____. 我没去过_____. I&`&d like to visit _______. 我想去 _______。 I&`&d like to England 英格兰 America 美国 American 美国人 大家问问你的同学 Would you like to visit ______? 你想去______吗? Yes I would. No I wouldn&`&t. Spain 西班牙 Ireland 爱尔兰 Tokyo is the capital of Japan Continue 继续 Any questions?