Cooking methods
Bake, Fry, Roast, Boil, Barbecue, Steam
How can cook potatoes?
What are the cooking methods you can use to cook a potato?
You can bake potatoes, you can fry potatoes, you can roast potatoes!
All the "cooking methods" are verbs...
So the sentence can be quite simple...
I like to fry my potatoes.
I usually bake my potatoes.
How do you usually cook beef?
How do you usually cook beef?
I usually boil beef...
Last one.... Eggplant!
What do you do with eggplant?
Are there any other cooking methods that listed aren't here?
凉拌 in English is usually translated as "cold-dressed"
油炸 (like french fries) is called "deep fried"
This is "deep fry"
And then we also have "pan-fried"
which is like 煎
People often pan-fry fish in the US
"Deep fried"
We people say "fried chicken" or "fried fish" ... they often mean 油炸的
Okay ... let's look at Section 9... very quickly.
People OFTEN deep fry chicken.
Because it's often, we use the present tense.
"Deep-fried" chicken is like a 形容词
Do you know who this guy is?
It's Elvis Presle! or 猫王
Section 9 is about Recipes
What is a recipe? What does a recipe do?
Recipes tell us/instruct us/teach us how to cook food.
So first look at the top of the recipe, where they list the ingredients.
Ingredients are foods things that go into the recipe.
This recipe has 4 ingredients...
3 tablespoons of peanut butter...
2 tablespoons of butter
I'm going to read the recipe now...
mashed banana 香蕉泥
Slices of bread...
Bread in America often comes in slices.
Anything that comes in thin pieces like that is a "slice"
This is "sliced turkey"
"mashed" is a word we use in English to describe potato
"Mashed potato" is a favorite dish of many Americans
The first step is picture .....
When we talk about cooking, we often talk about "steps"
The first step is picture ....
When we talk about cooking, we often talk about "steps"
Like Annie said, we can also use numbers, sometimes.
Especially if there are many steps
But in 口语化 we generally use words.
First step!
Let's match a picture with each step...
Some words you don't know:
"Skewer" is a long stick used to make BBQ
What picture goes with step 1?
Is what we use to barbecue
Picture number 2 is ....?
Okay ... we're almost out of time for today!
So let's finish this for work.
First, finish matching the pitctures to the steps
Then, add sequence adverbs (first, then, next, after that...) to each of the steps.
Also, there is another part of the homework (not difficult)
After you do Section 10 - A
I want you to think of a snack, and then create a recipe for that snack.
How do you make your favorite snack?